It was good - not excellent - but good. I enjoyed it. It's so hard to find good, entertaining TV series these days.
I recommend you also try Good Girls, if you haven't already.
i have just finished watching the first series 10 episodes and at first i was just a little bit curious and not to sure about it however it certainly grew on me .. it deviates from the old tv series and has a slightly more darker side to it as well as being a bit more modern with life situations judy being coloured and adopted ,and john and maureen a couple with issues and the robot is just out of this world .lets not forget dr.smith as a female and more sinister than her counterpart of the tv series.. i would rate it 8.5 out of 10 .
and look forward to the next series and hope that their is one because i definitely think it has a future .. anybody else seen it ?
It was good - not excellent - but good. I enjoyed it. It's so hard to find good, entertaining TV series these days.
I recommend you also try Good Girls, if you haven't already.
last week in the sunday meeting a sister made a comment and collapsed, a massive heart attack.
one of the young brothers is a fireman and he gave her mouth mouth and according to the doctor this saved her life.
so if she had missed the meeting that day she would have surly died because her husband is not in great health.
Maybe the stress of being at the hall caused the heart attack...
I was thinking along the same lines, but more particularly the anxiety that came with giving a public comment. Stress, anxiety and physical exertion are all heart attack triggers.
Also, maybe if she spent less time slaving for Watchtower she would have more time to make healthier lifestyle choices and reduce her risk of getting a heart attack.
i know of 1 that watched the video and never went back.. i think for some it was a the sum of the total or the "last straw" if you like.. karter..
I would guess myriads - a few myriads. Maybe 20,000 or so, and mainly in Australia.
jesus was a real and historical person (not the way jws or the rest of the people think him to be) because of the following historical facts:.
1) the fact that the most influential political establishment of that time (roman empire) was convinced that jesus’ name would sell to suit their political agenda (to promote slavery) shows that jesus was as historical as roman empire itself; hence they implanted slavery-friendly verses into the bible as though spoken by jesus (such as mathew 5:39, 41; 24:45 ..etc) this was in contrast to the real personality jesus really was—he was a man of courage, who ‘walked alone to do what is right if those invited refused to accompany him.’ when his family and disciples were fond of sleeping, his delight was to spend early morning hours alone, in meditation, with god to the extent he could say he was “one” with qualities of god.
(mark 1:35; john 8:1, 2; 10:30) such a person would naturally be too famous and too crowd-pulling against whom even the influential people were helpless even when they were whipped out of the temple which reminds us of “hollywood rambo style” merely because of his moral authority (not that he had any supernatural powers to perform miracles).. 2) similarly, emerging religion (apostate christianity) too knew they could misuse the name of jesus to serve its commercial agenda.
There may have been an actual influential Jewish rabbi named Jesus - but the version portrayed in the gospels is surely highly embellished myth.
"both read the bible day & night, but thou read black where i read white.".
- william blake.
"Bulk of Bible contains untruth; yet this is irrelevant because it contains too precious things, eternal truth such as Mathew 7:12; 25:31-46 where humanism is put above even the concept of God."
The bulk of a turd is foul; yet this is irrelevant because a turd contains precious gut bacteria. Let's all eat turds. LOL.
"both read the bible day & night, but thou read black where i read white.".
- william blake.
There's a reason why many call it the "Buy-Bull".
from one of our informants inside the watchtower.
(same person whosent us videos from the legal dept., accounting dept., pioneer school,and so forth.
) atlantis told him that he is walking on a razors edge,to be extremely careful.his email message:1. watch tower has no right to demand you to sign a consent form.
Regarding 7. and 8. which talks about Watchtower being fined for penalizing persons:
It is also against the law in some countries to penalize someone for voting. Watchtower gets around this with the loophole of disassociation. When a JW votes they say the person disassociated themself - that the person simply chose to no longer be a JW by choosing to vote and they respect their right to no longer be a JW by making that choice. They can similarly use disassociation to punish anyone for anything regardless of what the law says.
i hate asking stupid or obvious questions, but i missed something somewhere along the line.
what is pimi and pomi?
did i even get the acronyms correct?
"PIM - Phisically in and mental"
No, no, no. That's still PIMI - Physically In Mentally Insane
i hate asking stupid or obvious questions, but i missed something somewhere along the line.
what is pimi and pomi?
did i even get the acronyms correct?
"Is there POMD?
Physically Out Mentally Diseased?"
Alright, let's not get carried away with the acronyms, people. I think what you're describing is still POMO - Physically Out Mentally Opposed.
Although I do have a soft spot for BOMB (yes, pronounced as bomb!) - Brazenly Out Megaphone-wielding Bitch
ok guys and gals.. let's have them.
as horrible as this may be i really want to see a few examples.
all my life i was taught that apostates just spread lies and falsehoods.. yet since i have left the organisation and looked deeply into apostate articles.
The only "lies" I have come across are those pertaining to hidden subliminal images, and to be fair even those aren't real lies because for one there actually were a few "easter egg" type images in older literature and secondly the other dubious claims of subliminal images are not deliberate attempts to mislead but just paranoid, super-cynical ex-JWs succumbing to pareidolia.
Who I do see lying on youtube videos and in the postings on various internet fora, are JW elders and publishers, when they're asked questions that could expose certain unsavory aspects of their religion. Yahoo Answers' Religion and Spirituality section has many examples of JWs giving dishonest answers and comments to hide and deny unsavory facts about their religion pertaining to things like shunning and discouraging higher education.